Am I lame for admitting this?: I have a coupon folder. I keep it in my car console and grab ’em as I need them. Another truth is that I seem to only use the ones for Bed Bath and Beyond (because they never expire) and I’m sure I have a hundred of them. I pass them out to other customers as we wait in the check out line. Buuuut other coupons that I appreciate receiving are free 8″x8″ books from Shutterfly. They usually expire before I get around to making one, but not this last time! This time Mya and I had a plan: Mya chose what play things were special to her, we staged them, and she photographed them to make an “I Spy” (or in her case, a “Mya Spy”) book. And I love it so.
Here are some of my favorite pages… and maybe some ideas to kickstart your own DIY I SPY book:
I spy two little princess feet with french fry socks. Haha!
I spy a chapstick and lipgloss hoarder.
Mya’s favorite page: Where’s the baby?!
For the cover, Mya held up her magnifying glass.
When the book was delivered (months ago!), we surprised Mya with it one morning. This was my attempt to get the girls “spying” together. Mya was a bit more focused than Leah.
But how could anyone be frustrated with that face?…
Aye yai yai… Everything about these girls makes my heart melt. (Sorry, swooning Mamacita over here!) #littlehandsaresocute
The final product is special, but what I loved even more was creating it with Mya. She was so into making it “just so” and staging her playthings and making it how she likes everything– tidy and in its place. That’s my girl! Yet don’t be fooled– our house is a hot mess right now. I’m totally procrastinating going to sleep because laundry is heaped on our bed and I don’t want to fold it.
1 Comment
Great Nana
October 5, 2016 at 2:14 PMThat is precious. Mya and Leah are so adorable. Mya has that creative mind like you Ash. 😍