As of late, Mya’s been super attention seeking. Most of it is for negative attention– ie “Mama, I’m picking my nails” or “Mama, when I was supposed to be doing quiet time I jumped off my nightstand.” Which explains the loud thump and tells me that we need to secure furniture to walls. And as much as it hurts my heart to see her out of her usual happy-go-lucky state, I know it’s just a stage and she’s still adjusting to life as a big sister. On the weekends, we try to make more time for one-on-one with her; and a couple weekends ago, Derek took Mya out for some extra special “Daddy time.” Leah and I tagged along at the beginning to snap some pics of them “dressed up all fancy,” but then we left them to do their own thing. Here’s how we (but mostly Derek) made the day extra special:
1 || Dress-up together. Mya loves to accessorize with headbands– sometimes three at once– and long socks. She definitely already has her own style already, which I so admire. Whether it be an active event with work-out clothes or more dressy, when Daddy coordinates with Daughter, it gets her more excited about whatever they will be doing together. For this special Daddy-Daughter date, Mya dressed up with a dress from GoldyBelle, which I will be bragging about in a little bit. (And you’re going to want this giveaway!)
2 || Formalize the invitation. Instead of casually saying, “We’re going to hang out today, just the two of us,” create a handwritten invitation or “send” her flowers. Since Mya usually adorns more jewelry than I do, we knew wearing flowers as a corsage would be pretty thrilling for her. She wore that thing three days straight, preserving it in the fridge each night. She kept the beaded band and wears it as a bracelet.
3 || Pick a new activity that you haven’t done together before… and let her lead. Mya and I love a local shop where you choose a ceramics piece, paint it, and then they fire and glaze it. We’ve been lots of times, but Derek has never taken her by himself. It’s a place where she’s free to create in a fun, new setting and Dad didn’t have to deal with a bunch of cleanup. Win win. Some other ideas would be a children’s museum or discovery center, geocaching, swimming painting a giant canvas— and when Mya’s a little older, we want to try rock climbing at a local gym.
4 || Be chivalrous. Since it’s your daughter, this is a no-brainer. Every little girl has Daddy wrapped around her pinky finger. And let’s be honest, you have to do a lot for her anyway out of necessity. In Mya’s case, she’s still in a car seat that needs to be securely buckled and kids always need assistance in public restrooms. But basically, just think about when she’s 27 years old and allowed to date: “How would I want her significant other to treat her?”
Open all doors, tell her she’s pretty, and look into her eyes when you talk to her. Put your phone away and just be present. Said every woman everywhere.
5 || Let the day unfold. Have a loose plan and don’t have a time frame. Because we’re talking kids here, and Mya’s interests change every 30 minutes. Be flexible and just let it happen. After Leah and I left the ceramics shop, Derek and Mya went on to eat at one of her favorite lunch spots and ride the ferris wheel at Scheels. Not gonna lie, after they were gone for over three hours, I got kinda jealous and wanted a date with Mya… I mean Derek.
Now let’s get to the really good stuff: our giveaway with GoldyBelle! I was lucky enough to meet Anna, founder and mother behind this gorgeous little girl brand. Her dresses are classic, yet unique and so beautifully made. Mya’s dress is no longer available, but I’m swooning over the Nellie Romper for Spring, the Phoebe Gingham Dress with Toto in a basket, all of their dresses for Easter, and any from the Bloomer Trio. If you are having a baby soon, please take your newborn photos with one of those bloomers. Please. It would be the cutest thing ever. Guaranteed.
GoldyBelle is gifting a $50 gift card to one lucky winner. To enter, please do the following:
- Follow theMADcreative on Facebook.
- Follow GoldyBelle on Facebook.
- Share this post on Facebook.
Winner will be announced on Monday March 13th!
Thank you to GoldyBelle for partnering with us on this post.
1 Comment
Great nana
March 9, 2017 at 7:10 AMThat is just to precious