My girls have figured me out. They no longer ask for toys when we’re at Target. Instead, they ask for cheese sticks (completely necessary to get us through the store)… and “crafts for projects.” Because give me the craft aisle over toy aisles any day of the week. And I’ll always say yes. Target may only have a couple bays of crafts, but they also have it figured out. They only carry the best. And that’s how we discovered Kid Made Modern’s craft supplies and kits. Everything we’ve purchased from Kid Made Modern has been so much fun to make. And as we delved in further, we found their complete product line online. We picked out some items and wanted to share our Wooden Robots with you guys… and also a story told by Mya.
Robot Charlie by Mya
The girls constantly ask us to “tell them stories,” which yes, is super sweet. But when I’m cooking or grocery shopping or driving or my brain is fried from the constant game of 2o questions, I’m not always in the mood to come up with a good tale. And when I do, Mya’s usually like, “Um. I thought you were going to tell us a story about bunnies. Not mermaids.” And I’m all like, “That was never previously discussed.” So I’ve been turning it back to the girls and they tell us stories. And then you get this… something waaay better than hearing myself talk.
Robot Cheeto by Leah
I was unsure if Leah (age 2 1/2) would actually want to complete her own robot, but she ended up spending more time painting than Mya, making sure she got “all the colors” on hers. She named it “Cheeto” because she continues to name everything that.
I promise I feed my kids more than cheese sticks and Cheetos. Sometimes.
Robot Gi by Mama
There were three little guys in the kit, so it was only fair that I got to make one too. I might have spent a Saturday night painting a wooden robot while Derek actually did something productive. And it felt really good.
We have enjoyed all of Kid Made Modern’s supplies, but I would highly recommend this brush set and any of these craft kits. I have been using the brushes for painting myself and the bristles are seriously high quality. You won’t be able to find the Wooden Robot Craft Kit at Target, but you can easily snag yourself one (and more!) online. Also, you will receive 15% off your first order at Kid Made Modern when you sign up for their newsletter. And free shipping with orders over $25. So go ahead and get mad creative!
We received product compliments of Kid Made Modern. My opinions are all my own.
Beth Pechacek
August 9, 2018 at 1:51 PMBest mom ever! (Just like your mom).
August 9, 2018 at 9:31 PMOh you are so sweet, Beth. Thank you! We had a lot of fun.
August 10, 2018 at 11:56 PMI love it!! So sweet!