Can you believe that when I first met Derek, he had never seen a Pixar animated movie? Like he hadn’t seen Toy Story. It was almost a deal breaker for our relationship. But I eventually got over it and gave him another chance. 😉 Because I don’t care how old you are, those movies are classics. (Mya and I are currently obsessed with Moana.) And little did I know, children’s books would also become a love of mine.

It’s one of my favorite parts of our day when I get both girls sitting on my lap and we’re all reading together. And the only thing that makes getting up at 4:30 with Leah lovely is knowing that we’ll just plop down on the beanbag for a good 30 minutes and read a ton of board books. So here are some of our current faves that I think your little(s) will treasure for years to come.

Pickles, Please! | Ada Twist, Scientist | Owl Babies | Good-Night, Owl! | Julius, the Baby of the World | Mother Bruce | Five Minutes’ Peace | Alice & Lucy Will Work for Bunk Beds | How to Babysit a Grandma

To mix up our reading and get the most out of all the books we have, I try to do two things: 1. I switch up the book locations throughout the house. Mya’s always like, “Oh, wow. Thanks for getting me this new book.” But really it’s just been in the basement for the past 8 months and she forgot about it. And 2. I like to theme clusters of books for holidays or seasons. Naturally, this month was a shelf of lovey dovey books. Next month might be along the lines of “Having a pet is hard work” and “Imaginary friends are awesome” because I’m just not ready to commit and that’s all Mya talks about.

Congrats to LC from OP, KS for winning the $50 SwimZip gift card!
Have a beautiful weekend, friends.

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