I had a quinoa salad for dinner. Followed by some boxed brownies and a pint of ice cream. It’s all about balance. 😉 And that’s basically how our summer is going. Some days we’re racing around town to drop off/ pick up Mya from camp. But then most other days we’re in our pjs until 2 PM because it’s too damn hot outside and basement hangs are our jam. Our plans are tentative at best and it’s a pretty awesome way to live. I know these days won’t last forever; and I’m soaking them up while I get to have all three babes home with me. Also embracing the fact that I can easily buy their love with bomb pops.
These pics were taken after some sweaty backyard playing and they’re some of my all-time faves. Turns out if you throw some overheated kids on a beanbag in front of a window, it’s a foolproof way to get some great shots. Who knew. So here’s some documentation of how these three are growing, their current moods, and why I’m one lucky Mamacita.
Starts kindergarten next month. (Someone hold me.) Radiates happiness and kindness and silliness. Loves all living things, learning about animals and bugs, playing doctor and veterinarian, anything artistic, jumping out behind doors to scare Daddy, riding her bike– fast, bossing Leah around, sending snail mail, kissing and rubbing Guy’s head. Dressed (and accessorized) for the day before everyone else. Prefers a shower over bath, requests Daddy over Mommy for tuck-in every night, never stops running, claims she will marry her friend Pierson and adopt some kids. Has two adult teeth (bottom middle) with another one loose. Sleeps with “B” and one of 100+ stuffed animals (but usually “BaaBaa” the lamb).
Cheeks for days and deep blue eyes that truly melt my heart. Loves showing people her yoga poses– half moon, butterfly, downward dog. Naps two hours midday– always a gamble if she wakes up refreshed or a hot mess. Plays for hours with playschool people and Magna-Tiles. Loves making Mya laugh, baths with Guy or showers with Mya, swimming, a good tickle sesh, wearing a princess Belle dress and “pincess shoes,” and dancing. Shy in public. Tells us if she doesn’t or does “berry” (really) like things. Favorite color: pink. Would eat spaghetti and meatballs every night. Also, donuts. Sings “twinkle twinkle” and “you are mine suh-shine” at bedtime. Sleeps with panda bear and blankie.
Nicknames: Guyguy, Bugs, Buggah, Booboo Bear, Sonshine. Prefers sucking on thumb/ fingers over most toys. Belly laughs with rib tickles. Mostly quiet, but coos and squeals more when tired. Has a raspy voice. Lights up when he sees Mya. Size 3 diapers. Firm grip. Big, big blue eyes with slow, soft blinks. Main accessory: baby bandana. Likes this teether, this Grover, his DockATot, and looking at himself in the mirror. Can roll to belly, but usually just stays on right side. Flips us the bird when sucking his thumb. Thinks I’m hilarious. Wakes up 2 to 3 times a night. Always smiles when he drifts off to sleep.
The daily goals are a lot more simple nowadays. We have less lists of household projects and things we hope to accomplish. Instead, the goal is something like “keep our tiny humans happy and kind.” They first look to us for examples, so I try to ignore the little sleep achieved, chug the at-home chai lattes, and attempt to fill their minds with carefree goodness. Enjoy your summer days, friends. Enjoy them all. <3
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